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Fitness training surfers

Surf Workouts To Help You Catch More Waves And Get Fit For Your Next Surf Trip…

“I started the Total Surfing Fitness program exactly 12 weeks prior to my 1st overseas surfing trip to Bali in the hope of increasing my confidence and ability in the water.

I’m a 37y/o and been surfing for 15 years. I found the TSF program suited my needs exactly. I surfed 2-3 times a day for 17 days straight and was confident in 2-8 Impossibles, Ulluwatu, Balangan, Shipwrecks, Lacerations, Airport lefts and Kuta Reef without injury.

I believe this would have been inconceivable without Total Surfing Fitness. I do not hesitate to recommend this program to anyone looking to improve their surfing fitness.”

Want to get surf fit like Ben?

How To Catch More Waves Using Surf Specific Fitness Training
By Clayton Beatty BSc (Human Movement) Exercise Scientist

Step 1 – Increase your paddle fitness through energy system development

Surfing uses a combination of both your aerobic energy system (with oxygen) and your anaerobic energy system (without oxygen). In order to improve your cardiovascular fitness for surfing, you need to improve both of these energy systems simultaneously.

What you need to be doing is interval training using surf specific interval periods, and certain types of exercises which will boost both your paddle fitness and improve your overall surf conditioning.

Step 2 – Improve your core stability, strength and rotary power

If you think that cranking out 100 crunches every morning is going to give you the core strength you need for optimum surfing, you couldn’t be further from the truth.
You will also need to develop your core strength and rotary power.

Step 3 – Increase your upper body endurance, strength and power

You need muscle endurance in your arms, back and shoulders so you can keep up the paddling intensity throughout your entire surf session.

Step 4 – Improve your mobility and flexibility

What surfers need more than passive flexibility, is mobility. 

Step 5 – Improve your balance and lower body strength & power

Most surfers however, do not do any balance training. Surfing also requires a lot of lower body strength and power.
What you need to be doing is lower body functional training exercises – both hip and knee dominant, both single leg and double leg, and both stable and unstable exercises.

In order to increase your wave count fast, and become a better surfer, you need to have a well rounded, surf specific, functional training program. You cannot rely on traditional body building workout routines and long boring cardio to improve your surfing.

What you need is a surf fitness program that has been proven to work with hundreds of surfers from all over the globe. If you are interested in finding out more about our surfing exercises, surfing workouts and surf training programs, please read on.

Learn Why Hundreds Of Surfers Worldwide Are Using Total Surfing Fitness To Get Fit & Strong And Enhance Their Surfing Performance

Total Surfing Fitness is the most comprehensive surf specific exercise program on the internet.

The program is “step by step” with printable workout manuals and online video – so it’s just like having your own personal surfing fitness coach!

Total Surfing Fitness is an exercise program that builds your surfing fitness over a number of months using progressive workouts (not just one workout that you do over and over again!).

We address all of the essential surfing fitness components: functional strength, flexibility & mobility, core stability, strength and rotary power, cardiovascular fitness (aerobic & anaerobic) and balance.

About Clayton Beatty & Total Surfing Fitness

Dear surfer,

My name is Clayton Beatty and since 2008 I have helped thousands of surf and snow sports athletes with my functional fitness training programs.
My strength and conditioning advice has been featured in Smorgasboarder surf magazine as well as many major Australian newspapers – Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Herald Sun, The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Times.

Total Surfing Fitness was created so surfers like you can have access to a surf fitness training program that will not only help reduce the risk of injury, increase your health, make you look ripped, but also actually help you become an awesome surfer!

Total Surfing Fitness uses surfing exercises and surfing workouts and is your complete strength & conditioning guide to help get your body in the best physical condition to hit the surf.

On a recent surf trip to Margaret River, I hadn’t been in good surf for 2 months, but I had been doing my surf training exercises and surfing workouts and was ready for action. 

When I got out in the surf I actually felt the best I had ever been and enjoyed one of the best surfs I’ve ever had! It just shows how important your fitness is for surfing, whether you are a weekend warrior like myself, or you surf for a living like Mick, Taj or Kelly.

Surfing Has Become More Enjoyable

“I recently purchased the Total Surfing Fitness Program and started the 12 week program. In the five (5) weeks I have been following the program I have noticed a definite improvement in not only my surfing fitness but also my general fitness. 

Every aspect of the above has improved – Endurance – paddling, Core strength, Strength – lower and upper body and balance.

Thanks to you and your program my surfing has not only improved but become a lot more enjoyable.Note: Been in J- Bay surfing all time waves for the last Ten (10) days – two surfs per day! Mick Fanning, Taj Burrow, Joel Parkinson and Taylor Knox (just to name a few) all have had surf fitness trainers and do surf training and surf workouts to help them stay in peak shape and injury free for the tour. You need a surf training program with surfing exercises and surfing workouts that you can do at home, on the road, or at the gym.

Have you ever experienced any of these problems when surfing..?

You watch other surfers paddle past you effortlessly, catching wave after wave while you flounder around in the white wash…

You keep getting injured in the surf…

Sometimes you just wonder why you bother surfing at all…

Or maybe you are a pretty good surfer and after seeing how the pros train, you want a fitness program that can take your surfing performance to the next level…

What is Total Surfing Fitness?

Most fitness programs created by fitness trainers are designed for bodybuilders not athletes. To really boost your performance you need a fitness program that is functional in nature, with surf exercises and surfing workouts that will help you surf harder and longer, decrease the risk of injury and have you landing more insane tricks every time.

Total Surfing Fitness is a surf training program that uses surfing exercises and surfing workouts to maximise your surf fitness and boost your surfing performance.

Master’s Level Competitive Surfer uses Total Surfing Fitness

I have used surfing materials from Mike Martin @ Surf Success for my competitive results, and materials from Martin Dunn @ Surf Coach for my overall surfing technique…but your functional training has really helped me to improve my overall fitness level which is “truly” the most important thing a surfer can acquire! 

I am not getting any younger…and as I continue to surf I need to keep my fitness level as high as possible to prevent injury and improve my surfing enjoyment and progression as a whole. Thank you for giving me another method to improve my life-fitness and skill level in surfing! Cheers!”

Surf harder and longer without fatigue
Surf with more style
Improve your balance
Rehabilitate previous injuries